So I come home from work and I was kind of thinking maybe we should try going for a walk. No harm in that; maybe we make it to the end of the drive way or maybe make it a few blocks down the road. Well in this example we made it around the block, oh and did I say we went for a "walk" no it was more like a run.
So then we get home and she is all jacked up with energy running around the yard and barking at randomness. (A trait she undoubtedly inherited from her step-brother). However, it quickly came to an end as the roar of the F-15 fighter jets taking off from the Madison Airport sent her running for the door to go inside. After the fear subsided she proceeded to make herself at home in Marley's Kennel. And based on his reaction that was something Marley did not take to kindly to. But boy she has made herself right at home she has a kennel full of toys that she has stolen from Marley when he was preoccupied chasing a fly in the house. Its really kind of funny.
Annie has a forever mom!!!
7 years ago
I love this sotry and tried to comment yesterday.