We took a trip to the dog park on Monday and in doing so I learned that Kaiah is not particularily fond of car rides. It seems that she becomes very stressed and drools an excessive amount and even threw up in the car about half way to the park. I thought about turning back at this point but I knew that once we arrived she would have a great time. I choose a smaller dog park and for the first 10 minutes we had the place to ourselves. Kaiah and Marley were running across the park chasing each other. Then this huge wolf hybrid showed up and I was a little nervous. The owner asked me if my dogs were friendly and I said they were. The wolf dog was very shy dog tail between the legs but the dogs got along great. Marley and the wolf dog would play and Kaiah would stay out of the way and just bark at the two dogs. Kind of like a mother telling her children to play nice. But they loved the experience. The wolf dog would chase Kaiah and Kaiah would chase the wolf dog. They played for about 45 minutes and she had her tail up was barking and playing. I knew she would have a good time and it would be worse the dreadful car ride to the dog park. I actually saw her run at full speed in our small yard she does not get to do that. She would streak across the dog park looking for her pal Marley.
That is sooooo great Kaiah we are so proud of you. We just love the dog park it is the best place on earth. I am so happy you have great fosters too! Delilah the Gypsy, Mollie, Jake & the Lady!