Here is an update from Kaiah's new family!! We are all glad to here how wonderful Kenzie is doing. Great to hear from you. The Wolfes
Hi Brian and Meagan, we are doing great.We did change her name to
Kenzie, which she acknowledged this week. She is really settling in
and is coming around. She has had no accidents in the house and last
night we let her sleep in our room out of the kennel. I have no doubt
she will be attempting to have her share of the bed if we let her!!! I
have been sitting in the car with her, but not starting it up, she is
still terrified of parked cars, will need some work on that. I just
booked her a private training session for
next Sat with someone to
help me understand on how to train her better. I had her in our
neighbors fenced yard yesterday and she had a great time running with
their dogs. I have got her used to running along beside me on the
bike, which she seems to enjoy.She is such a sweet dog and she will be
great pet, as you are aware. She seems to be starting to trust us more
and with that will push the boundaries a bit more in terms of car
rides etc. She really walks well on a leash, and pees on command in
the a.m and p.m. We really are having a great time with her and thanks
for all your help with her, again you need to be commended on your
efforts. If you are ever this way, please drop in for a visit, would
love to see you.